Friday, 18 December 2015

Different Ways of rounding numbers in EXCEL

Different Ways of rounding numbers in EXCEL
You must understand the difference between rounding a value and formatting a value. When you format a number to display a specific number of decimal places, formulas that refer to that number use the actual value, which might differ from the displayed value. When you round a number, formulas that refer to that value use the rounded number
1. CEILING.MATH - Rounds a number up to the nearest specified multiple
2. EVEN - Rounds up (away from zero) positive numbers to the nearest even integer; rounds down (away from zero) negative numbers to the nearest even integer
3. FLOOR.MATH - Rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest specified multiple
4. INT - Rounds a number down to make it an integer
5. MROUND - Rounds a number to a specified multiple
6. ODD - Rounds up (away from zero) numbers to the nearest odd integer; rounds down (away from zero) negative numbers to the nearest odd integer
7. ROUND - Rounds a number to a specified number of digits
8. ROUNDDOWN - Rounds down (toward zero) a number to a specified number of digits
9. ROUNDUP - Rounds up (away from zero) a number to a specified number of digits
10. TRUNC - Truncates a number to a specified number of significant digits

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